Three Shires, Northampton
Three Shires is a private hospital established in 1983 and located in the beautiful grounds of St Andrews in Northampton.
Our Consultant Specialists are supported by a team of caring and professional medical staff, with dedicated nursing teams and a Resident Medical Officer on duty 24 hours a day, providing care within a friendly and comfortable environment.
Three Shires Hospital offers patients fast and easy access to treatment for over 33 different specialties and we currently have over 139 Consultants who choose to practice here. Our facilities, combined with modern technology and on-site support services, enable our consultants to undertake a wide range of procedures from routine investigations to complex surgery. Our facilities and services include:
- 14 consulting rooms
- 49 patient rooms with en-suite facilities
- 3 operating theatres (2 with laminar flow ultra clean air systems)
- Dedicated pre-op assessment rooms
- JAG (Joint Advisory Group) accredited endoscopy suite
- Minor procedures room
- Physiotherapy suite with gymnasium (including Gait scanner)
- General radiology, fluoroscopy and ultrasound
- Macmillan Accredited Cancer Care Suite with private pod rooms
- Dedicated ophthalmology and ENT rooms
- Audiology booth
- Ambulatory care bay
- Discharge lounge
Three Shires is also exceptionally proud to provide onsite access to an Imaging and Diagnostics service which at the beginning of 2019 was recognised as Outstanding by the CQC. Imaging@ThreeShires is located within the hospital and the team works very closely with the Outpatient and theatre teams to ensure our patients journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Our on-site Imaging facilities include:
2 digital x-ray rooms
MRI scanning including dynamic and contrast MRI examinations
Ultrasound – Diagnostic and Interventional
Current Number of Inpatient / outpatient beds
Three Shires Hospital has 49 beds and all rooms offer the privacy and comfort of en-suite facilities, satellite TV and telephone. The hospital has three theatres, an endoscopy and minor procedures room and an ambulatory care unit.
We also have a Macmillan accredited oncology suite providing patients with a relaxed environment with individual patient rooms and dedicated pod rooms.
CQC reports/ outcomes etc
In the most recent CQC inspection the hospital was recognised for it safe, effective and responsive healthcare services as well as the compassionate treatment of the patients. Our culture and processes ensure that patient dignity, respect and choice are always maintained, and patients views or experiences are gathered and acted on to improve the services and culture.
Three Shires Latest Patient Satisfaction Scores*
- 97.5% of patients said they were likely or extremely likely to recommend Three Shires Hospital to their friends and family
- 97.7% of patients said the quality of their care was very good, or excellent
- 98.7% of patients said their expectations were met or exceeded
“We are proud of our patient care and work hard to make each patient’s time with us as pleasant as possible. Our patient satisfaction survey is an important indicator of how well we achieve this and we monitor the results very closely.”
*During the period of January to December 2020, Three Shires Hospital received 889 long form patient questionnaires.
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